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Can I borrow 20 Trillion?

A Land Value Tax? Evaluating Georgism

What is a Land value tax and what is Georgism?  In a nutshell a man named Henry George proposed replacing all other taxation with a tax on the value of land.  No income taxes, no excise taxes, no capital gains taxes, no sales taxes.  Only tax on the value of …

New Parent

The Population Collapse Is Here And It’s Our Fault

The worldwide population is falling and we are in for a major demographic collapse that will have far reaching consequences. Thinking about worldwide population requires long term thinking from a 10,000 foot level.  It’s important to have this perspective before diving into the world of population numbers because it’s almost …

Lessons Learned From The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

When Russia invaded Ukraine it took the world by surprise.  Putin has a long history of showing his military strength, but rarely exercises it.  Putin rolling tanks into Ukraine and waging a full on war has put the world to an elevated cold war status.  Russia outspends Ukraine 10 to …

Why President Kanye West 2024 Makes Sense

We are coming up on another pivotal election, and possibly I dare say a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.  This may be the opening needed for 3rd party candidates to break through the 2 party system.  One of those 3rd party candidates could be Kanye West 2024. Why …