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Michigan’s Increase In Unemployment Insurance

Earlier this week Governor Whitmer signed a bill increasing Michigan’s Unemployment Insurance for the first time in over 20 years.  It isn’t often that I agree with something our Governor and the Democrat run legislature does, but this is one of them. Michigan’s unemployment benefits have been eroded greatly by …

Can I borrow 20 Trillion?

A Post Mortem on The 2024 Election

This election has many lessons to learn on both sides of the aisle.  Before I begin I want to be honest about who I am.  I am a 38 year old blue collar worker in Michigan, who also is a landlord.  Over the last 18 years I have been in …

Can I borrow 20 Trillion?

A Land Value Tax? Evaluating Georgism

What is a Land value tax and what is Georgism?  In a nutshell a man named Henry George proposed replacing all other taxation with a tax on the value of land.  No income taxes, no excise taxes, no capital gains taxes, no sales taxes.  Only tax on the value of …