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earn an associates degree in high school

Earn An Associates Degree In High School

Our education system in this country is far too expensive and too time consuming.  To earn a high school diploma, it takes 13 years at 7 hours a day for 180 days per year. This works out to 16,380 hours.  To earn an associates degree you are looking at another …

Planning A Trip To Walt Disney World

This past summer we took our kids on an 1,100 mile Journey across the country to Universal Studios Orlando.  We had a great time and while we were down there Mrs. C. mentioned to the kids that we could go do Disney World in a couple years.  My face sank, …

Learning Salesmanship Through Cub Scouts

Today I have a guest post from my son who is 8.  He is in cub scouts and is learning how to sell popcorn in order to help raise money for cub scouts. 75% of the sales price goes directly to the cub scouts, which is a much better split …