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moving a pool

Extreme Frugalness Story: Moving a Pool

I saw this pool outside our local Wal-Mart on my last visit there and it brought back some memories. When I had owned a truck we bought one for the kids at our last house. The kids loved it and it worked really well for my younger son, because the …

rent textbooks

How Renting Textbooks Can Save You Thousands

For the most part I prefer to buy things instead of renting, but when it comes to text books for college, renting may be very advantageous.  When I was in college I would try to buy my books used off of, and from time to time I would get …

power outage generator

Being Prepared For a Long Term Power Outage

While most of us spend a ton of time and resources planning and preparing for a future without having to work, I wonder how many people plan and prepare for shorter near term events, such as several days  without power.  Having an emergency fund of cash is great in a …