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The Ten Minute Guide To Personal Finance

Winning with money is not hard.  You don’t need to be good at math or a finance wizard to win with your money.   You don’t need to make $100,000 a year, and you certainly don’t need an advanced degree.  What is difficult is applying the behaviors needed to win …

House Financial Blunder

Stupid Stuff I Have Done With Money

I write a lot about what you should do with money, but I often neglect what NOT to do.  As Dave Ramsey would say I have a PhD in stupid, and I can prove it.  I can tell you all day about how to optimize you taxes and reach a …

Why I Still Believe In Elon Musk

Elon Musk is well known for having a fervent fan base.  His supporters see him as almost infallable.  He is the Golden Child of silicon valley.  I haven’t always been a fan of Elon Musk, but as I have learned more about him, I have decided to drink the Kool …