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Quarter 1 2017 Financial Update

I’m making a few changes to the format and data in these quarterly wrap ups.  On the income side of the equation I am removing the total of our income and only publishing the savings rate.  Our household income is between $60,000 and $90,000, but it seems like the more …

Quarter 4 2016 Financial Update

Quarter 4 was an extremely busy quarter for us.  For most of the quarter I was working 75 hours a week.  Right around Thanksgiving I had a week off and then went to a 50 hour per week schedule. Financial Update: Income Our total income for the year came to …

2016 Quarter 3 Update

Quarter 3 overall is a slow quarter for us. During Quarter 3 I was off work for the first two months, so our total income and thus savings rate is down for the quarter.  During Quarter 4 I will be working every week, with a lot of overtime, and this …

How I Increased Organic Traffic By 867% In 1 Year

Blog traffic builds overtime.  Some sites are able to build traffic extremely fast, but those are rare.  Typically those sites are managed by someone who can put forth the effort of a full time job into it,  others are lucky, and then there are the select few who are also …