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Quarter 1 2018 Update

2018 has been rocky for the first quarter for us.  We spent quite a bit over our projected budget, largely due to medical spending which totaled just shy of $4,000 for the quarter. The stock market overall was down for this quarter which muted a lot of our contributions. We …

Quarter 4 2017 Update

2017 was our best year financially yet.  Despite setbacks we hit a savings rate of 44%, not quite the 50% I wanted, but certainly close.  We saved just under $40,000 this year. I think overall the targets I’ve been shooting for are a bit too lofty and I need to …

2017 Quarter 3 Update

Quarter 3 has been a great quarter financially for us and it has also been incredibly busy.  For most of the quarter I was working 75 hour weeks, Mrs. C. was working 20-30 hours, and all the kids started school, even the littlest who is four. Add in doctor appointments, …

Quarter 2 2017 Financial Update

This quarter has been intense.  I was working upwards of 80 hours a week for a good chunk of the quarter and finished up my spring nuclear outage season in mid May.  Since then I have been hanging out with the kids and Mrs. C. has been working more hours. …